Missouri Fake ID

Missouri Fake ID

Missouri Fake ID

Rated 4.00 out of 5 based on customer rating


20% discount for 3 or more IDs!

All id come with free duplicate.

Validity period of the real Missouri ID card: 8 years

Material used for real Missouri ID card: PVC

Format of the license number on real Missouri card: a static number (000, 001, 800, 801, 802 or 900) and 6 digits; the pattern is 000-00-0000

Scanning areas of the real Missouri  card: a 2-D bar code, and a 1-D bar code

Special features of the real Missouri  ID card:

  • Ghost photo on front.
  • “DPS” and a state seal pattern inscription in UV ink.
  • Signature of commissioner above the photo.

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